CountingHouse Sourcing LLC

Make Your Next Move Count!

About Us

A Little Bit About CountingHouse Sourcing...

We specialize in finding companies the right fit for their specific needs. We use various sourcing tools along with social media to mine for the best of the best in any particular market. We love being in the people business.

Why Partner With Us?

Our expertise puts us at an advantage while searching through hundreds of potential candidates. In simple terms. we know where to look to find top talent.

Your time is valuable! Allowing us the opportunity to do the searching for you gives you time to foucus on other important business.

Bargainig Power

Having multiple suitable candidates can give you more confidence when negotiating salaries and benefits. If negotiations don't go as planned you can rest assured that you still have great candidates within your reach.

Be Confident in Your Choice with Our 90 Day Retention Guarantee.


Recieve Your List of Candidates

Interview Top Choices

Hire The Best Candidate