Our Process
How It Works...
Once you have decided to partner with CountingHouse Sourcing and have signed the recruiting contract, you will send us a list of the positions you are needing to fill.
We source candidates from our ever growing pool of top talent. We send resumes of the candidates we think would be the best fit and be the biggest asset to your business.
The top candidates are interviewed. You will be asked to provide feeedback on the candidate. This information will be our guide to sourcing the next round of candidates should that be necessary.
Hire!! Make your best offer and hire the candidate you chose. Once the candidate has signed their employment contracts CountingHouse Sourcing will then be sent their required fee.
CountingHouse Sourcing's
90 Day Retention Guarantee
If the candidate you hire through CountingHouse Sourcing does not remain employed for 90 days we will offer 2 options…
Option 1- We Send you new candidates and continue placing until a hired candidate reaches the 90 day retention point.
Option 2- We offer a pro-rated refund of our service fee based on the amount of days the candidate was employed by your company.